The 12th Hole on Januray 16th, 2017 |
Welcome back to our golf course maintenance blog. It has been several months since my last post, and 2017 is now in full swing. One of my many new year's resolutions is to return to monthly blog posts, so please continue to check back for regular updates on course conditions and happenings. From major projects to routine maintenance - we have a lot going on right now on the course. Keep reading to learn more about what is happening on the course.
Project Updates
Flooding Solutions - We have been working to develop a multitude of solutions to help keep our course playable during flood events. In order to explore all possible options we have solicited the help of multiple golf course architects. By the end of this month, we will have met with at least five different architects. These architects will provide their own individual ideas to the golf committee for evaluation. For More information please click here:
Flooding Solutions Summary
#1 Green with USACE property lines, contours, and yardages |
Maintnenance Facility Improvements - For the last two years, we have been working on plans to renovate our existing maintenance facility. The goal is create a work enviornment that is safe, efficient, and sustainable. Due to the fact that our facility is located in the flowage easment for Lake Waco (aka 'flood plain'), any changes to our facility must be approved by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Our plans were completed last year, and for several months we have been waiting on the USACE for approval. Last week, we received word that the USACE is actively working on our request, and we are hoping to be able to move forward very soon. In the meantime, we have leased a mobile office trailer to serve as a temporary home for our maintenance operations. The trailer which contains two offices, a breakroom, and a bathroom is a huge improvement over our flood damaged building and is working great for the time being. We have also implemented a new labor tracking tool and digital job board to help improbe our daily operations.
Inside the office trailer - employee breakroom and new digitial job board. |
Property Boundary Issues -
Prelimary boundary lines on Holes 15 and 16 |
Due to our proximity to Lake Waco, we share a property boundary with the USACE. The land that RCC owns is either above or below the 503' elevation mark. Land below this elevation is considered part of the flowage easment and is subject to USACE regulations. In addition, RCC leases land from the USACE for the puporse of operating and maintaining our Yacht Club (Marina). The "leased area" is owned by the USACE and RCC must comply with all terms of the lease agreement. The problem is that many of the golf course features that were damaged during the floods last year are located in close proximity to our shared property boundary.
These areas include the cart path and retaining wall on holes 15 and 16, our nursery greens, and #1 green. In order, to complete repairs we must determine if these features are located on property owned by RCC or by the USACE. Both RCC and the USACE have been conducting extensive survey work to clearly mark this boundary. The survey work is almost complete and it appears that golf course features have in fact encroached on USACE property. In order to resolve this problem, we have submitted a request to the USACE asking to expand our current lease agreement to include all areas between Lake Waco and the golf course. Approval of this request will allow RCC to keep all existing golf course features and complete needed repairs and maintenance in the future.
Survey markers indicating USACE monuments on #1 |
Repairs to Holes 15 and 16 - Since April of last year we have been working to develop plans to repair the damaged path and retaining wall on holes 15 and 16. These repairs will likely have to wait until the property issues mentioned above are settled. In the meantime, RCC has contracted with a local engineering firm to complete plans and bid specifications for the repairs. Hopefully, we will be able to move forward in the next few months.
Cart Path Repairs - We are 95% complete with much needed repairs to cart paths around the course. The worst sections of path were repaired on holes: 5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13, and 17. We were also able to complete minor repairs to the tennis facility.
Additional Projects and Possible Improvements
We have plans to redesign the native landscape behind #9 green |
- Redesign of native landscaping between #9 green and the main driving range tee
- Drainage improvements on many holes
- Additional lighting for the putting green area
- Additional fans for the putting green and #9 green
- Major drainage work to #9
- Repair of the walls on #5 and #7
- Fix the lake overflow on #5
- Repair erosion along the marina road
- Dredging of ponds and erosion control on #11
- Fill in USGA test area at the chipping green
- Addition of new fence behind the back tee on #6 and #8
- Irrigation contoller upgrades
- Irrigation mapping and programming improvements
Current and Upcoming Routine Golf Course Maintenance Items
We rely on the winter months to complete much may maintenance tasks that we might not have time to accomplish during the growing season. From bunker maintenance to equipment repars to drainage work - the list goes on and on. Check out the list and photos below to see a few of the items we are working on.
- Bunkers
- Redefining edges
- Weed control
- Sand depth checks
- covering up black liners
- Tree Work
- Trimming of live oaks and other small trees
- Removal of several dead or safety issue trees
- Stump grinding
- Crape Myrtle trimming
- Ligustrm trimming at Tennis
- Cleaning and inventory of memorial markers
- Weed control around greens
Winter weeds on slopes near greens are difficult to control due the risk of herbicide damage to the bentgrass |
- Spray applications to tees and fairwas for dormant color
Applications of iron and pigment help to provide definition of tees and fairways during the winter months |
- Beautification of drainage areas on 11
This are to the right of #11 green has been an eyesore for months. We are working on ways to improve this area before spring. |
- Trimming of cannas, roses, and lantana
Each winter we trim back many of our perrenial plants. Roses near the fire pit were trimmed last week. |
- Drainage improvements near cart paths
New drain addedd near the fairway on #18 |
- Sodding of chipping green
Now that our nursery greens have recovered, we will be repairing this area on the chipping green |
- Staffing and agronominc planning for 2017
We use excel spreadsheets to track our labor needs by area. This data is then used to help ensure that we are fully staffed throughout the year |
- Additional Items
- Maintenance Facility Cleanup
- Disposal of old buildings and equipment
- Organization of mechanic area
- Dry dock clean up
- Removing bermudagrass contamination in greens
- Equipment preventative maintneance and repairs
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