Thank you for visiting our course maintenance blog. Please check out the links above and the posts below for information on course conditions, projects, and current course work.
Storm Cleanup (Again)
Last night's storms damaged trees throughout the course. Photo by Duane Kemp |
Just as we finished cleaning up from last weekend's storms - another round of rain and wind came through last night. The storm brought .75" of rain and and damaged dozens of trees. The crew has been busy all morning cleaning up tree limbs, debris, and repairing bunkers. We will be cart path only for the remainder of the day. All bunkers will be repaired by this afternoon. Tree work and debris cleanup will continue today and tomorrow. Additionally, we will be creating two dump sites for all debris (right of #1 fairway and at the North end of the marina - right of 18 tee). For more photos of the damage please click here:
April 18th Storm Damage Photos.
#1 Green to Open Monday
After more than four months, we are excited to announce that #1 green will re-open for play on Monday, April 22nd. While this green will not play quite the same as the rest - it is now healthy enough to handle traffic. The crew has done a great job establishing the green from seed during less than ideal growing conditions. Now that spring is here - the green will continue to improve everyday. Please follow this link to learn more about #1 green and our upcoming renovation plans:
#1 Green Updates and Plans.
TGA Super Senior Tournament
Photo courtesy of TGA. |
We are excited to host the 5th Annual Texas Golf Association's Super Senior Amateur Tournament. The crew has been busy preparing the course for the best senior amateur players from across the state. Practice rounds begin on Monday, April 22nd and competition will take place Tuesday through Thursday. Come out and support the three RCC members competing in the event: Dr. Mark Story, Dr. Mace Brindley, and Mr. Bob Ammon. For more information including tee times and pairings please click here:
TGA Super Senior Amateur.
Landscape Improvements
Landscape Supt. Derek Curtis adding flowers at the main entrance. |
Early this year we hired Derek Curtis as our new Landscape Superintendent. Derek has already made an impact improving our ornamental beds throughout the club. He and Duane did a great job coordinating our spring annual color change out which was completed last week. He is now in the process of completely reworking dozens of landscape beds throughout the club per plans provided by Landscape Architect, Robert Kruezburg. We are excited to have Derek as part of our team, and look forward to completing much needed landscape improvements throughout the club.
Additional Course Happenings
Easter Egg Hunt: This Saturday the annual egg hunt at RCC will take place between the tennis courts and #6 green. Assistant Superintendent, Duane Kemp has done a great job preparing this area for the big day including: mowing, ant bait applications, roping off egg hunt areas, and more.
Mowing Patterns: Each year mowing patterns must be adjusted. Last week, we started marking new collar and approach patterns using blue paint. We will continue this process over the next couple of week including tee alignment and fairways.
Spring Fertility and Weed Control: All tees, fairways, and roughs were fertilized last week. Spray Technician, Anthony Howse has been busy completing post and preventative herbicide applications to tees, fairways, roughs, and clubhouse grounds.
Additional Items:
- Edging of all cart paths (completed this week)
- Aeration on tees, collars, approaches and high traffic areas (in-progress)
- Re-seed driving range tee (Tuesday of next week)
- Spray applications to greens, tees, and fairways (next two to three weeks)
- Leak repair at Marina (next week)
- Artificial turf and misters for playground (next three to four weeks)
- Multiple irrigation and drain line repairs (in progress)